Why Is My iPhone Charger Not Working? | ZONSAN

1.Loose or damaged charging cable: Make sure the charging cable is securely plugged into both your iPhone and the power adapter. A damaged charging cable can also cause charging issues.
2.Power adapter or outlet problem: Make sure the power adapter is working properly and that the outlet is providing enough power to your iPhone. Try using a different outlet or power adapter to see if that resolves the issue.
3.Software issues: A software glitch or a bug in your iPhone's operating system can cause charging issues.
4.Hardware issues: A malfunctioning charging port, lightning connector or battery can prevent your iPhone from charging.
5.Dirty charging port: Lint, dust or debris in the charging port can prevent a proper connection, so it's important to clean it.
6.Overheating: Overheating can cause your iPhone's battery to degrade more quickly and can also cause your iPhone to charge more slowly or not charge at all.
It is recommended to check if your iPhone is running the latest software updates, try using a different charging cable and adapter, and check the charging port for any debris. If your iPhone is still not charging, it may be a sign that the battery is damaged or there is a hardware issue, in which case you should contact the manufacturer or take it to a professional for repair.
OEM iPhone Charger Recommendation